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Connecting through the written word


What does that word mean to you?

Is it something you can only experience when isolated by geography from the people you love?

Does it come from having no friends you can turn to?

Or do you feel it in a crowded room, when you feel no connection to anyone there?

Lonely can mean something different to everyone.

It is one of the worst feelings in the world.

We thrive on human connection. It matters a great deak that we have a value and a purpose in our days, and that usually involves having people to appreciate and reinforce that value or purpose.

When we don't feel needed or wanted, it hurts like hell.

So, what can YOU do to combat feeling lonely, right NOW?

One of the most powerful tools you can use, is paper and pen or pencil. Or a document on your computer if you prefer.

You can start to write.

Write letters to people, and then choose whether to send them or not. Write letters to yourself.

Write about your day.

Make lists of small and large achievements you are going to aim for.

Create and send notes to friends and family, and explain they are your way to reconnect.

Write down moments of human contact during your day, then develop ideas how you can expand on them.

List the best things about you, and the hopes and plans you have.

Write it all out, not least because you can read it back and remind yourself that you matter. Keeping checking back for more resources and advice on tackling poor mood and mental health.

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